
Welcome to the Virtual Tissue Bank (VTB), made available by the Susan G. Komen Tissue Bank (KTB). This resource is available to all, and can be used to:

  • view and download data generated by researchers using KTB samples
  • download and use medical history data of the donors
  • view mammograms of the donors
  • download and use images and H&Es

You can search the data, sort it into different order, and filter through different categories. All data is available to you for downloading.

Researchers who have acquired and worked with samples from the KTB agree to return raw data created from projects using those samples. This data is identified by barcode of donor, and comes in several formats. The data has been generated through various scientific methods such as histology, RNA SEQ, Mass Spec, etc.

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Precision Health Data

The Komen Tissue Bank has a new data sharing and analytics platform, LifeOmic’s Precision Health Cloud, or PHC. This is a place where more complex data about the KTB samples is shared, including whole genome sequencing and RNA-seq data along with all of the medical history annotation, mammograms and H&E images available for the KTB’s donors. There are a variety of data displays and tools available including a timeline of each donor’s medical history data, as well as annotation and links to resources that supplement the genomic data provided such as ClinVar, dbSNP and gnomAD. You can easily search and build cohorts based on donor data and compare cohorts with the PHC Insights tools. More advanced users can also run custom analyses using the Jupyter Notebook integration. To request an invitation to this resource, please email Jill Henry.

Request Access

Please review KTB Attribution guidelines below.

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Total Donors: 9268

Blood Donors: 8833

Tissue Donors: 5173

Donations: 12983

Samples: 50763

H&E Images: 5540

Mammogram Images: 24891

Search VTB data


Total Experiments: 28

View Research

How to Use the VTB


Find and Download Experiment Data

Searching, Filtering, Exporting Data


If you download or make use of data from the VTB and use it in a manuscript we would like to be referenced as follows:

“Data from the Susan G. Komen Tissue Bank at the IU Simon Cancer Center were used in this study. We thank contributors, including Indiana University who collected data used in this study, as well as donors and their families, whose help and participation made this work possible.”

We continue to work to inform researchers about both the electronic VTB and actual physical tissue samples available through KTB. We appreciate any assistance you can supply in spreading the word about this resource.

Please refer any others who may be able to make use of our samples in their research, or who may need the data stored in this virtual bank, to our website www.komentissuebank.iu.edu. Remember that all VTB data is available for download for your use.

Please do not hesitate to contact COO Jill Henry, jihenry@iu.edu, with any questions.